“Our precious baby, Azariah, passed away on Sunday afternoon, December 29th, at 65 days old.”

Last Monday [23/12/24] he had come off the ventilator and we had several really good days with him that week, including time for all the rest of his uncles, aunties, and cousins to meet him when they were up for Christmas. We are so thankful for that blessing.

After Azariah’s deteriorating Sunday (29/12/24) morning, they were unable to get ECMO to work for him to stabilise his condition and he passed away Sunday afternoon.

We were able to hold him as he passed and had family to be with us at the hospital immediately after. We were also finally able to see his little face all clear, to hold him without machines attached, and to go home with him, although not in the way we hoped or expected.

We are held and loved and cared for but it has been a long journey so far on an incredibly difficult start to parenting.

Adam and Angela Millen, dad and mum of Azariah Millen

Memorial Service

His memorial service, honouring the precious life of baby Azariah Millen was held at 2:00 PM on Saturday, January 4, at Orewa Baptist Church.

The service was open to all who wished to come and remember Azariah with us, children were welcome too.

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support during this difficult time. Your presence, in person or in spirit, meant so much to our family.

With love and gratitude.

livestream link of Azariah’s memorial service


He came into a broken world, broken…

The disciples asked Jesus why the man was born blind

‘That the works of God may be displayed’ he replied. 

And Jesus opened the man’s eyes to see. 

Azariah came into this broken world broken…

‘That the works of God may be displayed’

To bring Him glory, do not be dismayed. 

In your grief, may God grant you grace to see.

Scans and ultrasound revealed his brokenness…

When worldlings advised to terminate

You chose life for this little candidate.

Your obedience to God was testimony for others to see.

He came out from the womb broken…

Yet God gave him the breath of life for a time

Time for you to have and hold the precious gift sublime. 

A gift you will always treasure in your mind’s eye. 

He was destined to live his whole life in a brief span…

As saints across the country lifted holy hands in prayer for him

The prayers of God’s people ascended like sweet incense to Him.

God was glorified for the world to see.

There was another babe who came to this broken world…

He was born perfect and without sin,

He came as the Life and the Resurrection.

For our sins and transgressions He was broken.

Azariah is with Him now, whole and unbroken…

Waiting in heaven for you and the day when you will see

And fully understand our loving God’s decree. 

May God grant you grace, even now, His glory to see. 

Jeanne Marshall

Written for Adam & Angela Millen and family as they grieve the loss of Azariah, their first born 29/12/2024

Your kind words, prayers, and thoughts mean so much to us during this time. If you have something to share about Azariah, please click below to leave a public comment.

25 responses to “Our precious little boy”

  1. Caleb

    We love you Adam and Angela

  2. Anonymous

    Thank you Azariah, for showing us not only the brokenness of this world but also the richness of God’s glory.
    We love you so much and always will.

  3. Cerys

    Angela and Adam, your trust in God’s goodness is so evident as you loved and cared for your precious baby, Azariah. Thank you for encouraging me to look to Jesus, even in the darkest of times. Our hope is in Him. We love you.

  4. Karla

    You have allowed us to be a part of Azariah’s journey with updates and prayers. Thank you ~
    it was a sweet privilige to rejoice and to weep alongside yet from a distance here in Canada.
    We trust the Lord’s kindness amid His mysterious ways and pray that you know His comfort in the dark.
    With much love, the Hein Family

  5. Nicky Waddell

    I am so pleased that precious Azariah was earth-side for a short time so he could be loved and known by you and your extended family. So very sorry for the loss of your precious son who I know you will hold again. What a beautiful poem to assist in your grief journey
    Love to all the Robb family from Nicky Waddell x

  6. Steven Yan and Hwee Ling Tan

    We cannot understand why God allow His children to go thru such pain, sufferings and loss but we know He is good. While we cannot trace His hands, we can trust His heart. May His comfort and peace be with Angela, Adam and the families on both sides in such a time as this. Thank you for the privilege to journey with you and baby Azariah for his precious moments on earth. God be with you and grant you peace.

  7. Kosar and Sepehr

    Our hearts are broken for your loss, but we rejoice in knowing that Azariah is now in the arms of Jesus, surrounded by His eternal love. May God’s peace and comfort sustain you in this difficult time.

    “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)

    With love and prayers,

  8. Lila Mydlarski

    May the nemory of your blessed little angel, Azariah Marcus, remain in the hearts of all whi loved him forever .

  9. Gabriele and Carmen Moro

    Dear Adam and Angela.
    We are so terribly sorry for your loss. We cannot even imagine what it must be to go through such a heartbreaking pain. As parents of two children, we cannot fathom what it would be like to lose one of them.
    But even if not comparable to your experience, we also lost our first child.
    It happened in the very first stages of pregnancy, where it’s easier to accept the possibility of a loss.
    Nonetheless, it is a pain that you cannot explain to others.
    So, there are two thoughts that we would like to share with you.
    First: God is good.
    Even if this sounds crazy to the world, do not even bother to listen to them.
    Yes, the Gospel first. We should have ended all in Hell a long time ago and righteously so.
    And yet God gave us life everyday and most of all the reason to live it at the fullest: for the Glory of our Savior, who sacrificed His Son for us.
    Now that you have lost your son, you have a far greater understanding of what that means. That’s not for everyone.
    Then, He gave you this priceless gift, Azariah.
    Even if for a short time, it was a blessing that words cannot describe.
    A love that reached unimaginable depths.
    And even if the pain can be unbearable now, remember that it is only for a while.
    Just a few years on this earth and then one day… oh one day… you’ll see him again. And together with him, we will finally be reunited with our Savior forever.
    Nor the world nor anyone or anything will ever take this away from you.
    And in the meantime, the Lord will take care of you.
    Isaiah 41: 10
    “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
    He will not let you down. We pray that He might give you many healthy and beautiful children and fill your life with joy and laughter.
    Second: even if it’s hard now, do not waste this opportunity.
    You already showed the world the light of the Lord by loving this precious life despite many in your place would have discarded it to avoid the pain.
    To say it was remarkable, it doesn’t give it justice.
    Now you have the chance to show to this people that if you could go back, even if it was excruciating painful, you would do it again.
    Because you love God and because you loved your son.
    That has no price.
    Plus, now you can relate with and help others who went or are going through similar situations.
    And not many can do that.
    2 Corinthians 1:3-4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”
    That’s a privilege that God entrusted you with.
    Now it’s hard, but in time God will heal you and through this He will bring you closer to Him as ever before.
    Everything has a purpose.
    Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”
    Remember Him in all things, He is worthy.
    We will always keep you in our prayers.
    May the Lord our Savior bless you abundantly all the days of your life.
    In love

    Gabriele and Carmen Moro

  10. Andre

    Dear Adam, Angela and extended family,

    Our Lord in His sovereign grace and kindness has blessed you with a wonderful little boy in Azariah. The short but full life God gave him was showered with the caring and deep love you had for him. That love will forever live in your hearts in the sweet memories nurtured in the grief and joy you have shared.

    The measure of our days are in the hands of God. He used Azariah’s 9 weeks of life to demonstrate the grace of His Spirit in you and the peace that transcends all understanding.

    As we remember Azariah, we will continue to keep you in our prayers and thank the Lord for how He worked His grace in your lives.

    In sincere and deep love

    André and Masha

  11. Marcus and Yi

    Dear Adam, Angela and family,

    We are grief stricken to hear the news about Azariah.

    We were so blessed to be able to meet Azariah while he was with us. We really hoped to see more of him. He was such a beautiful baby. Even more beautiful was to hear how much he was loved in these 9 weeks he had.

    We look forward to the day we will see him again, when Jesus returns.

  12. Erica Kendall

    Angela, Adam and Family

    We mourn with you and celebrate the life of Azariah Marcus Millen. While we, like most others, never got to meet him in person, I truly feel like we did. With your updates, photos and prayer requests, Azariah was a constant in our prayers. His life was short but so so full of love, hope and prayer. God is good and we trust his sovereign plan. You will continue to be in our prayers.

    Much love to you from the Kendall’s and those from Cornerstone Baptist.

  13. The Ng family

    Dear Adam and Angela,
    Our hearts ache for you. We don’t know what to say except that we are praying for you.
    The Ng family

  14. Christian

    Dear Adam, Angela & Family,

    We grieve with you at this moment.
    But filled with hope that Azariah is now with our Lord, Jesus Christ.

    We thank the Lord for your testimonies in this difficult moment.
    We could see the love, strength, and wisdom that the Lord has provided for you. The Lord is good!
    May He continue to sustain you and reveal His glory.
    Looking forward to the day of His return and the day when Azariah will be reunited with you.

    With love,

    Christian, Josephin & Joshua
    New Plymouth

  15. Colin Millen

    Dear Angela, Adam and Family,
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you in the loss of Azariah and his brief but impactful life.
    GOD blessed you with Azariah for 65 days so that you could witness to the world that there is hope through GOD.
    The funeral service was heart wrenching, especially seeing Azariah extend his arms to you.
    Azariah is now with the LORD so he can extend his arms to our Rachel Jenny Millen, who lived just 30 hours back in 1995.
    I watched the service with tears streaming, remembering the emotions that Pip & I experienced when the joy of birth turned into a great loss, I really feel for you.
    I am sure that Azariah has impacted many lives of Hospital staff, friends and family. Praise be to GOD for your hope and faithful example.
    I trust that GOD has other children in store for you, as I look forward to adding to the list of Great Nieces & Nephews.
    Love & prayers for you both
    Uncle Col, Aunty Pip, Sammy & Ben

  16. Abigail Watts

    Dearest Azariah Marcus!

    As I weep this morning, there are things I would love to tell you…
    I’m so sorry for not coming to visit you. I’m so sorry for not fighting harder for you.
    You are amazing

    Your smiles into that camera were stronger than a champion. Your emotional heart, beat to a completely different rhythm to your physical heart.
    You were amazing

    Your Mum changed my life. Then when I met your Dad, he changed it even more. And now you and I, we never met… But, but oh how you have changed me.
    You will always be amazing

    Thank you for doing the same for all of us. Thank you Jesus for giving us Azariah.
    Adam + Angela’s Amazing Azariah

    Yours Sincerely

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    Высокая мощность и производительность: Фритюрница обеспечивает быстрое и равномерное нагревание масла, что значительно ускоряет процесс приготовления. Благодаря этому вы сможете готовить большие порции за короткое время.

    Удобство в использовании: Простая панель управления позволяет легко настраивать температуру и время приготовления. Вы сможете без труда выбрать оптимальные параметры для каждого блюда.

    Безопасность: Фритюрница оборудована защитными функциями, которые предотвращают перегрев и другие возможные неприятности. Также предусмотрены антипригарное покрытие и возможность легкой чистки.

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    Как выбрать фритюрницу?

    При выборе фритюрницы важно учитывать несколько факторов:

    Мощность: Чем выше мощность, тем быстрее будет готовиться еда. LOTUS F2/13-78G имеет оптимальную мощность для домашнего использования.

    Объем: Выбирайте объем в зависимости от количества людей в вашей семье и частоты приготовления. Фритюрница LOTUS F2/13-78G идеально подходит для семейного обеда или ужина.

    Функциональность: Обратите внимание на наличие дополнительных функций, таких как таймер, терморегулятор и возможность жарки на разных температурах.

    Как использовать фритюрницу LOTUS F2/13-78G

    Использование фритюрницы LOTUS F2/13-78G крайне просто:

    Подготовка ингредиентов: Нарежьте продукты на кусочки, подходящие для жарки. Это может быть картошка, мясо, рыба или овощи.

    Заполнение маслом: Налейте в фритюрницу необходимое количество масла, следуя рекомендациям в инструкции.

    Настройка температуры: Установите нужную температуру и время приготовления на панели управления.

    Жарка: Аккуратно опустите продукты в горячее масло и дождитесь, пока они не станут золотистыми и хрустящими.

    Выемка и подача: Используйте специальные щипцы или шумовку для извлечения готовых продуктов.

    Рецепты для фритюрницы LOTUS F2/13-78G

    Вот несколько простых и вкусных рецептов, которые можно приготовить во фритюрнице LOTUS F2/13-78G:

    Картофель фри: Нарежьте картошку, промойте и обсушите. Обжаривайте до золотистой корочки.

    Куриные крылышки: Замаринуйте куриные крылышки в специях и обжаривайте до хрустящей корочки.

    Овощные чипсы: Нарежьте овощи тонкими ломтиками, посолите и обжаривайте до хрустящего состояния.

    Сырные палочки: Обваляйте палочки сыра в муке и панировке, обжаривайте до золотистого цвета.

    Уход за фритюрницей LOTUS F2/13-78G

    Для того чтобы фритюрница служила вам долго, важно правильно за ней ухаживать:

    Очистка масла: После каждого использования удаляйте использованное масло и промывайте контейнер.

    Мытье деталей: Снимайте съемные части и мойте их в теплой мыльной воде.

    Хранение: Храните фритюрницу в сухом месте, защищенном от влаги.


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During Azariah’s time at Auckland Hospital, we were incredibly blessed to stay at Ronald McDonald House. It became a home away from home, allowing us to remain close to him without the stress of traveling far. Ronald McDonald House provides essential accommodation for families with children undergoing life-saving treatment or surgery, offering comfort and support during some of life’s hardest moments. If you feel led, please consider donating to this amazing organization.

Your generosity will help other families stay close to their loved ones when they need it most.

Every little bit makes a big difference. ❤️

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